1. There were three jolly fishermen.
There were three jolly fishermen.
Fisher, fisher, men, men, men.
Fisher, fisher, men, men, men.
There were three jolly fishermen.
2. The first one's name was Isaac.
I, saac, saac, saac.
3. The second one's name was Jacob.
Jay, cub, cub, cub.
4. The third one's name was Abraham.
Abra, abra, ham, ham, ham.
5. They all went up to Jericho.
Jer-i, Jer-i; cho, cho, cho.
6. They should have gone to Amsterdam.
Amster, amster, dam, dam, dam.
7. You mustn't say that naughty word.
Naughty, naughty, word, word, word.
8. They should have gone to Amster-sh.
Amster, amster, sh, sh, sh.
9. I'm gonna say it anyhow.
Any, any, how, how, how.
10. They should have gone to Amsterdam.
Amster, amster, dam, dam, dam.