La partition « Down by the bay »

Chansons anglaises


Down by the bay

Téléchargez la partition de Down by the bay, chanson traditionnelle anglaise avec accords de guitare.
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Down by the bay where the watermelons grow, back to my home,
I dare not go. For if I do, my mother will say:

1. "Did you ever see a bear combing his hair down by the bay? "

Down by the bay where the watermelons grow, back to my home,
I dare not go. For if I do, my mother will say:

2. "Did you ever see a bee with a sunburned knee down by the bay? "

Down by the bay where the watermelons grow, back to my home,
I dare not go. For if I do, my mother will say:

3. "Did you ever see a moose kissing a moose down by the bay? "

Down by the bay where the watermelons grow, back to my home,
I dare not go. For if I do, my mother will say:

4. "Did you ever see a whale with a polkadot tail down by the bay ?"
