La partition « Reuben, reuben, I''ve been thinking »

Chansons américaines


Reuben, reuben, I''ve been thinking

Téléchargez la partition de Reuben, reuben, I''ve been thinking, chanson traditionnelle américaine.
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Reuben, reuben, I''ve been thinking Partition gratuite


Reuben, Reuben, I've been thinking
What a queer world this would be
If the men were all transported
Far beyond the Northern Sea!

Reuben, Reuben, I've been thinking
What a queer world this would be
If the girls were all transported
Far beyond the Northern Sea!

Too-ral-loo-ral-loo, Too-ral-loo-ral,
Too-ral-loo-ral-loo, Too-ral-lee
If the girls were all transported
Far beyond the Northern Sea!

