La partition « Catch on the French at Audenard and Lille »

Richard Brown


Catch on the French at Audenard and Lille

Téléchargez la partition de Catch on the French at Audenard and Lille, canon anglais de Richard Brown (3 voix).

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Le canon Catch on the French at Audenard and Lille


From Aud'nard fam'd Battle to Lille
We'll now march, we've swing'd em i'th'
Field, we've swing'd em i'th'
Field, now their towns le us search;
flee Boys, to the Trenches,
Redouble your Fire,
Jack's Heart soon will ake,
As he sees you come nigher;
Tou fou cry your Cannon,
Fix't right as the can be,
We'll first singe their doublets,
Then drown 'em in Brandy.
