La partition « 10 comptines anglaises4 »

Chansons anglaises


The strawberry girl

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The strawberry girl Partition gratuite


1. Oh is it not a pleasant thing to wander through the woods?
To look upon the painted flowers and watch the opening buds.

2. To sit with the deep cool shade at some tall ash tree’s root,
To fill my little basket with the sweet and scented fruit.

3. I sigh when first I see the leaves fall yellow on the plain,
And all the winter long I sing, "Sweet summer, come again !"

La partition May-Day song

Téléchargez la partition de May-Day song, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.

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1. The moon shines bright,
The stars give a light,
A little before ’tis day.
Our heavenly Father He called to us
And bid us to wake and pray.

2. Awake, awake!
O pretty pretty maid,
Out of your drowsy dream,
And step into your dairy below
And fetch me a bowl of cream.

La partition Little drops of water

Téléchargez la partition de Little drops of water, comptine anglaise.

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1. Little drops of water, little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean and the beauteous land.

2. And the little moments, humble though they may be,
Make the mighty ages of eternity.

La partition Little Miss Muffet

Téléchargez la partition de Little Miss Muffet, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.

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Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey
Along came a spider and sat down beside her
And frightened Miss Muffet away.

La partition Yoo Hoo

Téléchargez la partition de Yoo Hoo, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.

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There’s someone living on a high high hill,
I wonder who it could be.
There’s someone living on a high high hill
Who always answers me.

Yoo hoo ! Yoo hoo !
He always answers me!
Yoo hoo ! Yoo hoo !
He always answers me!

La partition Little skunk's hole

Téléchargez la partition de Little skunk's hole, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.

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1. Oh I stuck my head in the little skunk's hole,
and the little skunk said, "Well, bless my soul !
Take it out ! Take it out ! Take it out ! Remove it !"

2. Oh, I didn't take it out, and the little skunk said,
"If you don't take it out, you'll wish you had!
Take it out ! Take it out !" Pheew! I removed it !


1. Oh j'ai coincé ma tête dans le trou de la petite moufette,
et la petite mouffette dit: "Bien, bénisse mon âme!
Sors-le ! Sors-le ! Sors-le ! Enlevez-le! "

2. Oh, je ne l'ai pas sorti et la petite moufette a dit:
"Si vous ne le sortez pas, vous voudrez bien l'avoir!
Sors-le ! Sortez-le! "Piou ! Je l'ai enlevé!

La partition Lucy Locket

Téléchargez la partition de Lucy Locket, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.

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Lucy Locket lost her pocket,
Kitty Fisher found it,
Not a penny was there in it,
Just a ribbon ’round it.


Lucy Locket a perdu sa poche,
Kitty Fisher l'a trouvé,
Pas un sou n'était dedans,
Juste un ruban autour de lui.

La partition Dip, dip and swing

Téléchargez la partition de Dip, dip and swing, comptine anglaise de trad.

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My paddle's keen and bright,
flashing with silver.
Follow the wild goose flight,
Dip, dip, and swing
Dip dip and swing it back,
flashing with silver.
Follow the wild goose flight,
Dip, dip, and swing


Ma pagaie est vive et brillante,
clignotant avec de l'argent.
Suivez le vol de l'oie sauvage,
Tremper, plonger et balancer
Trempez-le et balancez-le
clignotant avec de l'argent.
Suivez le vol de l'oie sauvage,
Tremper, plonger et balancer

La partition My big black dog

Téléchargez la partition de My big black dog, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.

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Who ever took my big black dog,
I wish they bring him back !
He chased the big chicks over the fence
And the little chicks through the crack !
The big chicks over the fence
And the little chicks through the crack !
Who ever took my big black dog,
I wish they’d bring him back !

La partition The Escape of Old John Webb

Téléchargez la partition de The Escape of Old John Webb, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.

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1. There were nine to guard the British ranks,
And five to guard the town about,
And two to stand at either hand,
And one to let old tenor out.
There was eighty weight of good Spanish iron,
Between his neckbone and his knee,
But Billy took Johnny under his arm
And lugged him away right artfully.

And Billy broke locks,
And Billy broke bolts,
And Billy broke all that he came nigh,
Until he came to the dungeon door,
And that he broke right manfully.

2. They mounted their horse and away did ride
And who but they rode gallantly,
Until they came to the river bank,
And there they alighted right merrily.
And then they called for a room to dance
(And who but they danced merrily),
And the best dancer among them all
Was old John Webb who was just set free.


L'évasion du vieux John Webb

1. Il étaient neuf pour garder les rangs britanniques,
Et cinq pour garder la ville environ,
Et deux à se tenir à chaque main,
Et un pour laisser le vieux ténor sortir.
Il y avait quatre-vingts poids de bon fer espagnol,
Entre sa nuque et son genou,
Mais Billy prit Johnny sous son bras
Et l’a emmené astucieusement.

Et Billy a cassé les serrures,
Et Billy a cassé des boulons,
Et Billy a brisé tout ce qu'il est venu près,
Jusqu'à ce qu'il arrive à la porte du cachot,
Et qu'il se soit cassé avec virilité.

2. Ils montèrent à cheval et s'en allèrent
Et qui, sauf eux, chevauchaient galamment,
Jusqu'à ce qu'ils viennent au bord de la rivière,
Et là, ils se posèrent joyeusement.
Et puis ils ont appelé pour une salle de danse
(Et qui mais ils ont dansé joyeusement),
Et le meilleur danseur parmi tous
Le vieux John Webb venait-il d'être libéré?

La partition Suppose the King

Téléchargez la partition de Suppose the King, canon à 4 voix de trad (4 voix).

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Suppose, the King, he should command,
A naked Woman in the Strand,
What would you do in such a Matter,
To keep the People from laughing at her,
If such a thing should come to pass,
Put but your Nose into her A*se
And when the People begin to stir,
They'll laugh at you and not at her.
