La partition « The blessings of Mary »

Chants de Noël


The blessings of Mary

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The blessings of Mary Partition gratuite


1. The very first blessing Mary had, she had the blessing of one,
To think that her son Jesus was God’s eternal Son.
Was God’s eternal Son like the ‘manuel in glory.
Father, Son and the Holy Ghost through all eternity.

2. The very next blessing Mary had, she had the blessing of two,
To think that her son Jesus could read the Scriptures through,
Could read the Scriptures through like the Manuel in glory,
Father, Son and the Holy Ghost through all eternity.

3. The very next blessing Mary had, she had the blessing of three,
To think that her son Jesus could set the prisoners free.

4. The very next blessing Mary had, she had the blessing of four
To think that her son Jesus could live forevermore.

5. The very next blessing Mary had, she had the blessing of five
To think that her son Jesus could bring the dead to ‘live.

6. The very next blessing Mary had, she had the blessing of six
To think that her son Jesus could heal and cure the sick.

7. The very next blessing Mary had, she had the blessing of seven
To think that her son Jesus could carry the keys to heaven.

8. The very next blessing Mary had, she had the blessing of eight
To think that her son Jesus could make the crooked straight.

9. The very next blessing Mary had, she had the blessing of nine
To think that her son Jesus could turn the water to wine.

10. The very next blessing Mary had, she had the blessing of ten
To think that her son Jesus could write without a pen.

11. The very next blessing Mary had, she had the blessing of eleven
To think that her son Jesus could turn the world to heaven.

12. The very next blessing Mary had, she had the blessing of twelve
To think that her son Jesus could turn the sick to well.

