La partition « Sweet was the song »

Chants de Noël


Sweet was the song

Téléchargez la partition de Sweet was the song, chant de Noël anonyme (1550).
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Sweet was the song the Virgin sung,
When she, when she to Bethlem Juda came,
And was deliver'd of a Son,
That blessed Jesus hath to name.
Lulla, lulla, lula, lullaby,
Lula, lula, lula, lullaby, sweet Babe, sung she,
My Son, and eke a Saviour born,
Who hast vouchsafed from on high
To visit us that were forlorn;
Lalula, lalula, lalulaby, sweet babe, sang she,
And rockt Him sweetly on her knee.


Comme elle était douce, la chanson de la Vierge
Au moment de donner naissance à l'Enfant Jésus.


La partition Sweet was the song, 3 voix

La partition Sweet was the song, 4 voix

La partition Sweet was the song, 5 voix
