La partition « Robin-a-Thrush »

Chansons anglaises



Téléchargez la partition de Robin-a-Thrush, chanson traditionnelle anglaise avec accords de guitare.
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Robin-a-Thrush Partition gratuite


1. O Robin-a-Thrush he married a wife,
With a hoppety moppety mow now.
She proved to be the plague of his life,
With a hig jig jiggety, ruffety petticoat,
Robin-a-Thrush cries mow now.

2. Her cheese when made was put on the shelf,
And it never was turned till it turned of itself.

3. It turned and turned till it walked on the floor,
It stood upon legs and walked to the door.

4. It walked till it came to Banbury Fair,
The dame followed after upon a grey mare.

5. This song it was made for gentlemen,
If you want any more you must sing it again.

