La partition « Sportin' life blues »

Chansons américaines


Sportin' life blues

Téléchargez la partition de Sportin' life blues, chanson traditionnelle américaine.
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Sportin' life blues Partition gratuite


1. I got a letter from my home, most of my friends are dead an' gone.
That old night life, that old sportin' life's killin' me.

2. I've been a liar and a cheater too, spent all my money on booze and you.
That old night life, that old sportin' life is killin' me.

3. My mother used to say to me, "So young and foolish, that I can't see.
Hey, boy, hey there, boy, why don't you change your ways?"

4. There ain't but one thing that I've done wrong, lived this sportin' life, my friend, too long.
I say it's no good, please, believe me, please leave it alone.

5. I'm gettin' tired of runnin' 'round, think l will marry and settle down.
That old night life, that old sportin' life is killin' me.

