La partition « Weep not »

Thomas Hastings


Weep not

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Thomas Hastings
Berceuse pour un enfant malade
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Weep not Partition gratuite


1. Weep not, o little one,
Though thou art very ill,
For thou art not alone,
Thy woes to feel.

2. Each sigh of thine will heave
An anxious mother's breast.
Each accent of thy grief
Will break her rest.

3. Each tear that thou dost shed
Will cause her grief to flow :
Her heart since thine doth bleed,
Is bleeding too.

4. One Hand alone can heal.
That hand is ever near :
O who can doubt His skill
O gracious care !


Ne pleure pas

Ne pleure pas, mon tout petit
Même si tu es très malade
Car tu n'es pas seul à supporter ta douleur.
