La partition « Thanksgiving Day »

Homer H. Harbour


Thanksgiving Day

Téléchargez la partition de Thanksgiving Day de Homer H. Harbour.
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Thanksgiving Day Partition gratuite


1. Oh, Thanksgiving morning is a time of glee,
With our kitchen busy as a place can be.
When the mince pies are a-baking,
And the puddings are a-making,
That’s the time for me.

2. In the afternoon it’s time at last to eat
Of a dinner splendid as a king might greet;
There’s a turkey full of spices,
There are puddings, there are ices,
Cake and candies sweet.

3. On Thanksgiving night when dark the shadows fall,
A great fire is lighted in the fireplace tall,
When the apples are a-roasting,
And the chestnuts are a-toasting,
That is best of all.


L'histoire de Thanksgiving en vidéo :
