La partition « Bear away Yankee, bear away, boy »

Chansons américaines


Bear away Yankee, bear away, boy

Téléchargez la partition de Bear away Yankee, bear away, boy, chanson traditionnelle américaine avec accords de guitare.
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Bear away Yankee, bear away, boy Partition gratuite


Oh, deep the water an' shallow the shore
Bear away Yankee, bear away boy
Bear away and dere she go
Bear away Yankee, bear away boy

Oh deep the water an' shallow the shore
Bear away Yankee, bear away boy
Bear away to Noble Bay
Bear away Yankee, bear away boy

Oh what me going tell John Gould today?
Oh what me going tell John Gould today?

Oh what me going tell John Gould today?
Deep the water, shallow the shore.

Bear away Yankee, Bear away boy
Bear away Yankee, Bear away boy.
