La partition « Corrina »

Chansons américaines



Téléchargez la partition de Corrina, chanson traditionnelle américaine avec accords de guitare.
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Corrina Partition gratuite


1. Corrina, Corrina,
Where d'you stay last night ?
Corrina, Corrina,
Where d'you stay last night ?
Your shoes ain't buttoned, gal,
Don't fit you right.

2. Corrina, Corrina,
Where've you been so long ?
Corrina, Corrina,
Where've you been so long ?
Ain't had no lovin', dear,
Since you have been gone.

3. Corrina, Corrina,
What's the matter, now ?
Corrina, Corrina,
What's the matter, now ?
You done gone bad, my babe,
Which ain't good nohow.
